Witness the beauty of the capital city through the eyes of Yamuna. Come be a part of the Kathak production, a classical dance form by Shivani Varma. The show is directed by Beenu Rajpoot. This is the story of Delhi through the eyes of the Yamuna, who predates this gathering that is this city and still watches silently from the sidelines. The rise and fall of empires, the glory and degeneration of cultures, the suppression and liberation of millions, she has witnessed it all. It is not one city, it is a gathering of cultures that have coexisted, lived, died, reborn. again. The undying city – Delhi.
This production is based on text written by Pavan K. Varma and the narration is done by Begum Syeda Hameed.

Time: Starting from 7.00 pm
Venue: C.D. Deshmukh Auditorium, India International Centre 40, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi-110003